SOLYMAR Book your stay now! +216 72 379 605
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Wellness retreat

Ease and balance ... Two notions to respect

Today, Tunisia is the ideal destination for a fitness cure, renowned for its superior quality and continuous development in this sector.
That's why our Solymar hotel offers its customers a week-long fitness cure, following a medical check-up and ongoing activities every day; from massage to vaporium, gymnastics, jet or affusion hydromassage, right through to a thermal bubble bath.

Line cure


As every woman’s main concern is her figure, our Solymar hotel offers its guests a two-week figure-enhancing cure program, enabling them to enjoy themselves while preserving their figure.
Our program is carefully designed and personalized for each customer, following a medical consultation before the start of the cure, which consists of 4 daily stages over 12 days: thermal bubble bath, gymnastics, vaporium, slimming massage and fangotherapy.